Tet Weekend in LA

A couple of weeks ago I headed down to LA along with my parents to visit my sister, who moved down there not too long ago, and to see what's going on with the Tet, or Vietnamese New Year, scene down in southern California.  Along with it came a small amount of sight seeing, some neighborhood exploration, and spending time with my family. 

It's going to sound super corny, but as I've grown older I've really begun to appreciate the time I have with my family.  We've always been a close family but just being more available to talk, visit, and be together is something I've grown to do.  This was a good opportunity for me to also appreciate my culture as well.  My parents left a lot and worked hard to allow me to live the life I did.  I can tell my parents are worried that the family heritage will fade after my generation, but I know it's one of the most important things I need to pass onto my kids (whenever that may be), especially if they can't be there to do it.

Anyway, enough of my personal musings, here's a small handful of photos from the short trip.